Green Star Environmental conducts Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) according to ASTM standard E-1527 and the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry guidelines. ESAs are generated in an effort to reduce the client’s potential liability through proper due diligence by identifying recognized environmental conditions that may exist on the property in question. Green Star Environmental’s experience ranges from small to large tracts of land that are largely undeveloped to commercial and industrial facilities with significant environmental concerns. By conducting extensive research, through historical sources and onsite investigations, Green Star Environmental is able to determine any environmental concerns that may have existed at some point on the property or in the surrounding area. Each ESA is designed to meet the requirements of the client and provide a clear frame work for future investigations if warranted. Through ESAs, Green Star Environmental has provided environmental insight that has afforded clients many successful and transparent property transactions.
In addition, Green Star Environmental has the experience and background to advise our clients regarding the options for resolving any environmental issues that may be identified during a Phase I ESA. To this end, it is Green Star Environmental’s goal to assist with finding solutions to real or perceived environmental concerns in a manner that will allow site development and completion of a property transaction if it is in the best interest of our clients. Due diligence work beyond the scope of a Phase I ESA may include additional historical research, regulatory file reviews, or onsite subsurface investigations (Phase II Site Assessment) that involve the installation of soil borings and/or temporary/permanent monitoring wells to characterize any potential soil or groundwater impacts. Green Star Environmental may also assist the client in identifying opportunities to utilize available regulatory programs like the Innocent Owner/Operator Program (IOP), Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), or Municipal Settings Designation (MSD) Program to resolve environmental issues and allow for successful completion of the property transaction.